Friday, September 8, 2017

you brainwashed yourself since the day you accepted a scientific theory without understanding the precise mechanism of it.

if you don't agree, why?

if you do agree, what scientific theories you think are true? 

such as e=mcc, tbb theory, qm, relativity.

1 electron and 1 proton, only force exist between them is f=Ke x pq/rr.

qm standard model, or bohr model, tell us how the atom is formed.

word salad and bs math equation mean shit in science.

shut up and calculate, calculate what? 

e=mcc is total bs, yet the most famous science equation.

dude wrote that equation later admitted that he knows shit about energy/quantum.

atoms are solid balls. electrons are attached on the surface of the ball, attracted by positive charged nuclear, repelled by enertron ball/cloud, stable/balance on the radius.

electrons are constantly vibrating on the surface of the atom on the plane perpendicular to the radius.

the kinetic energy of the electrons proportional to the temperature of the atom.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 59686777 

when the electrons vibrating at the visible light frequency, atoms will produce so called visible light/em wave. but there is nothing waves but electrons on the light source and the target. 

electrons do not change energy level/state and emit photons. 

what is energy level? what is quantum state? what is photon? what is energy?

quantum anything is BS.

if you understood between any two charged particles, the force f=Ke x q1q2/rr act as a perfect rod, invisible, massless, connected the two particles as 1.

there would be NO spooky action at distance.

energy is moving force carried by moving matters/masses/charges.

energy is not matter, energy has no mass, e=mcc is the real joke.

does the force between charged particles act like a rod?

that is the mechanism of quantum entanglement.

from f=ma, the rod has zero mass, therefore the action of 1 particle is instantly transferred to the other particle. so called quantum entanglement.

sunlight acts on matter/solar cell as fiction, makes the electrons on the surface of the matter/cell vibrating along the plane parallel to the surface.

if the vibration force is bigger than the attrction force between electron and nuclear/enertron ball, electron will escape from the atom.

the mechanism of photoelectric effect.

you still think the sun is an ongoing nuclear reactor, radiating out energy/photon to every where.

the energy/photon vanishes into space.

totally wrong.

energy is moving/vibrating electrostatic force carried by moving/vibrating matter.

energy is always bouncing within and between matters.

it has nothing to do with empty space.

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