Friday, May 31, 2019

Theory of Gravity

Gravity is induced electrostatic attraction force between neutrally charged masses. Similar to sexual    attraction outside of marriage.

The greatest two physics laws tell the secret already. F=Ke xq1q2/R^2 and F=G x m1m2/R^2 both forces decay at 1/R^2 and must have the same nature. The matter is condensed charged particles, a matter's mass equals to total charged particles it carries. Without charged particles, there is no mass, no matter, no force, and no energy. Charged particles are the soul and flesh of the universe. Based on Coulombs's law, every charge has unbounded force.

An atom's force does not end at atom radius, but extends to infinite. In whole, an atom or planet is electrically neutral, but every single charge within has its own force beyond distance, those forces interact and overlap to produce chemical bonding, magnetism, and gravity. Ever wonder why Fe=q1q2/R^2 and Fg=m1m2/R^2 look so similar? Why mass is proportional to nucleons numbers within it?

Every neutrally charged atom have two forces, a positive force, and a negative force. These forces decay at distance but never vanish. Gravity is the net electrostatic force between charged particles between neutrally charged matters.

All positive charges in matter 1 attract all negative charges in matter 2 and repel all positive charges. All positive charges in matter 2 attract all negative charges in matter 1 and repel all positive charges. Due to electrostatic force induction between neutrally charged matters, the net force is always a weak attraction force we called gravity F=G x m1m2/R^2.

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