Friday, May 31, 2019


There is much theoretical nonsense being portrayed as science. The standard model, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, relativity, the big bang theory, time travel, and simulation.

Maxwell was wrong. There is no transverse wave  moving at light speed in the vacuum due to there is no force carrier exist.

Computer simulation can only produce digital signals; the real world is based on matter and energy.

Time is not a place, it has no location. Where is the past or future? How to time travel?

Simple facts, can you see it?

NASA faked moon landing, some shadows are right under the objects means they made the videos at noontime. They have to land the moon at morning to avoid high heat at noontime.

NASA, China, Japan all fake news about solar sails work in space, photons are able to transfer    momentum to solar sail to accelerate spaceship.

They lied right in front of your eyes.

If the light/photon has momentum, why does navy laser weapon have no momentum impact? Why the Crookes radiometer does not moving in a hard vacuum? All space missions are fake since time      delay for space radio transmission is impossible. Light is instantaneous.

All scientists think light speed is 3 x 10^8 m/s in the vacuum space, they are all wrong.

If light speed is not infinite all stars and galaxies we see are from the past, how can scientists map the universe and measure the total mass?

It is all lies.

There is no solar wind. What's its mechanism?  Why protons and electrons do not attract each other and form into hydrogen atoms on the way to earth? Why does gravity not pull them back into the sun?

There is no Van Allen Belts. What's its mechanism? The Sun's energy/radiation/light strength decays at 1/R^2, the only way to find stronger radiation is to get closer to the sun. Near around earth, radiation strength is the same.

EM drive? This is powered by quantum vacuum virtual plasma. It is pseudoscience, quantum anything is imaginary.

LIGO detected gravity wave from 1.3 billion years ago? Gravity is   instantaneous, otherwise, no planets can have a stable orbit. Why can't LIGO detect CME or earthquake?

Voyager is fake, how can a 23-watt radio transmitter send pictures over billions of miles?

Einstein was wrong about time dilation. Put same atomic clocks in the sun, earth, Mars, flying air plan for 24 hours, each clock will have a different reading. Which time is dilated and which clock has the correct time? They all spent same 24 hours simultaneously.

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