Wednesday, June 28, 2017

gravity is attraction force between matters/masses.

when apple falling from the tree, what is propagating?

pull a rubber band between both hands, wave 1 hand, the other hand will sense the waving force.

replace rubber band with gravity, that waving force is gravity wave.

that waving force is moving at light speed, but your hand is moving at very low speed.

if you wave your hand at green light frequency, it will produce strong green light, can be seen miles away.

aether is an imaginary stuff, it does not exist.

field is a regen force can reach, space is a field, all fields are in space, but field is not matter, not aether.

without charges, where is field? what field?

what is propagating in space? light? em waves? what are those? what is waving?

by now, can you see e=mcc is bs?

m is mass/matter/charged particles. e is moving/vibrating force/electrostatic force.

if m moves at c speed, it carries 1/2mcc energy, for m to carry mcc energy, it has to move faster than light.

radiation is bs, black hole is bs.

theory says if a star/mass is big enough, its gravity is so strong, even light cannot escape from it, so it becomes black hole.

light is not matter, light has no mass, how gravity attracts light/slow down light/bend light?

if you think light has mass, so gravity able to act with light, then why is all star lights have same speed? bigger stat light should slower than small star light.

simple logic, real black hole is in your toilet.

weak force and strong force are bs

what carries those force? how does it work? 

science cannot explain why proton and electron do not stick together in a hydrogen atom yet, how could strong force and weak force are facts? the whole atomic theory, standard model, qm, are bs for sure. 

please debunk me if you have it.

2 masses/bodies at distance r, attract each other with a force f=G x m1m2/rr. this is the most correct proven physics law.

if 1 mass is moving/vibrating, the other mass will sense the force at the same frequency.

just like if you put opposite magnet poles in each hand, wave 1 hand and feel the force on another hand.

the force, no matter tension or attraction, is like a real thing connecting all matters at any distance.

force is the carrier of energy/light/thermal radiation/em waves.

spooky action at a distance is bs

all motions are caused by force act on mass/matter.

all forces are electrostatic force in nature, it has a fixed speed.

no mass/matter can exist at different position/space at same time.

nothing can pass distance instantly. not even forces or thoughts.

nothing is ever stopped moving.

cus force is immortal, energy is conserved.

mass carries gravity

charged particles carry charges/electrostatic forces

magnet/charged particles carry magnetic force.

facts, without matter/charged particles, there is no force, no field, nothing exists.

a train travels at 100 m/h cannot push a man to 101 m/h.

nothing can move faster than the force that accelerates it.

ftl traveling is impossible in reality.

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