Sunday, April 29, 2018

Science says the sun is an ongoing nuclear reactor, constantly radiate energy into space.

This is not true at all. The sun's energy is from star formation. The more mass collide together under gravity, the denser thermal energy it carries, the higher temperature.

The sun is a stable hot mass, share its thermal energy with matters around it, according to their distance.

No energy can be radiated into space, energy can only co-exist with matter.

The sun does not radiate energy into space. The sun radiates energy directly on earth, and on every planet, every mass in the space.

If we can see gravity, we will see gravity between the sun and earth is like an ice cream cone, connected the sun and the earth. The sun is the ice cream, the earth is the tip of the cone.

Gravity holds the two masses in space at distance r, electrons on the sun and on earth are repelling each other with the force F=Ke x e1e2/rr.

That force is the conductor/messenger/carrier of emf/radiant energy/light/photon/em wave/quanta.

Electrons on the sun are constantly vibrating due to the thermal energy they carry, that energy is instantly transferred to earth outer atmosphere electrons, make them vibrating accordingly, becomes light wave passing through atmosphere and reach ground.

The sun does not radiate energy into earth constantly, but share the same amount of energy that moves around the earth constantly. No energy from the sun or from the earth can be radiate into space.

The sun does not burn, the sun will never cool off, the sun will hold its energy forever.

Scientists are all wrong about the sun and energy.

1 comment:

  1. If heat cannot radiate into space, where is the heat produced from us from the past? How come earth is not warming up accordingly?

    Good question. I answered that last year. See if you can figure it out yourself.
