Friday, April 20, 2018

Every science forum banned my IP, many science channels deleted my comment. Why?

Caught a lying professor today. You be the judge.

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Joe Chang
Joe Chang
10 hours ago
STFU and calculate. Calculate what? Isn't between 1 electron and 1 proton in a hydrogen atom there only exist 1 force F=Ke x pq/rr?

Anyone knows that 1 proton and 1 electron can form into a hydrogen atom. Because that is science said.

But in fact, no scientist can explain how exactly a hydrogen atom is formed.

Between 1 proton and 1 electron at distance r, there is only one force exist, the strongest attraction force in nature, F=Ke x pq/rr.

The 2 opposite charged particles must collide under that force.

It is impossible that electron able to circling/waving/orbiting/clouding around proton to form a stable atom.

What is the mechanism?

Many theories are not ture, people accept them because scientists/schools promote them.

Day after day, people become sheeple, more and more.

Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
9 hours ago
Buddy, I know it's hard to understand science, but that doesn't make science wrong. In the early twentieth century physicists grappled with this challenge too, regarding the stability of the atom, but that was one tiny chapter in the greater story of quantum physics, which did indeed solve that problem. This clip talks about certain aspects of that model, without doing any of the math, as this is introductory content. Electromagnetism is also not the strongest force. That's the strong nuclear force. Protons and electrons do not collide because of the wave nature of matter. If you are curious to know more, study some physics. It is not the case that the entire scientific community is wrong just because you don't understand physics. Science is not dogma, as comforting as that idea may be to the layperson.

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
8 hours ago
Appreciate your reply. Professor Dave.

The wave nature of the matter is a mistake. There is no such thing as photon/quanta, but scientists talk about it all day long. The standard model of atomic structure is impossible, but it becomes the foundation of modern science. Science becomes religion, controlled by education system and mainstream media.

Quantum mechanism theory builds on word puzzles. orbit, cloud, probability wave, wave function collapse, uncertainty principle, wave-particle duality. energy level, quantum states. All imaginary.

The godfather of QM, who won Nobel for photoelectric effect theory, confessed on his last days.
All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein

I think the best way to expose all science mistakes is to prove light is not wave nor particle by doing a new double slit experiment in vacuum. Light is not wave nor particle in vacuum space, light/EM waves can only exist within a medium/matter, such as air, water and glass. I predict the double slit experiment in a vacuum chamber, the light wave interference pattern will disappear, only two bright lines behind of the slits will left on the screen. This simple experiment can prove quantum mechanics is mistake. Light is not wave nor particle in vacuum space. There is no such thing as quantum/photon. This experiment can win a Nobel Prize easily.

Too bad I don't have the equips to do it. If you can do it or ask some scientist to do it, you can change the world over night.

Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
7 hours ago
I don't understand the comfort that people get by telling themselves that the whole world is wrong and they are right. Maybe I just wasn't born with the capacity for that level of hubris. But you have to try to understand that you are looking at the body of scientific knowledge from afar, as an uneducated layperson. To look at it all and shrug it aside is utterly nonsensical. It's like going up to two Chinese people and insisting that their language is just a bunch of random sounds simply because you don't understand them. They have a country of 1.5 billion people that use the language every day to create culture and commerce and communicate complex emotions, so it's definitely a language. And science definitely works, in an interrelated way. You can't just say that the wave nature of matter is wrong, and then expect the rest of science to remain intact. It doesn't work that way. If you get rid of science, then computers and satellites and cell phones disappear. But they are here.

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium. They travel through the vacuum of space. The entire body of modern physics would be meaningless were this not true, and we use modern physics every day for practical purposes, so it is factually real. There are quanta, and the evidence does not rest on a single experiment. It is irrevocably intertwined with our entire understanding of the universe. Uncertainty Principle, wave-particle duality, orbitals, these are not word puzzles. They appear as such because you are not educated. They are real words that mean real things, and anyone who wants to learn about them can do so. But you have to dedicate yourself to many years of studying. You can't get it all from one YouTube video. The collective knowledge of mankind is available to anyone who wishes to attain it. You can interface with it, mold it, contribute to it. It is not a religion. It is a constantly evolving body of knowledge. Ask any scientist, or any science student.

It's very convenient to look at the whole thing from afar and shake your head. But that is either laziness, or cowardice, or both. Either grow up and take some responsibility for your alleged views, or remain silent.

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
7 hours ago
Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium. They travel through the vacuum of space.

What is the mechanism? Professor Dave.

Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
7 hours ago
There is no mechanism. What mechanism? You are trying to analogize light waves to sound waves. Sound waves are mechanical waves, they are waves of the medium itself. It's an utterly different phenomenon that does not apply to this. I have tutorials on electromagnetism in my general chemistry and classical physics series if you want to learn more.

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
7 hours ago
Everything has its precise mechanism. Don't you agree?

Call me not educated, next delete my comment?

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
7 hours ago
What is the mechanism of light? How electrons change energy level and emit photon? What is energy level? What is photon made of? What is the difference between red and blue photon?

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
5 hours ago
I am awake, but I am no body. If you awake, you can wake up many. Use your talent to the max for mankind!

Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
5 hours ago
I only delete comments that contain blatant self-promotion, and I only block channels for excessive vulgarity and hate speech. I am not in the business of censorship.

Yes, I am saying that you are uneducated. You are asking me questions that are covered in a high school chemistry class. If you want to know about energy levels and photon absorption/emission, I have tutorials in my general chemistry series on the Bohr model, electromagnetic radiation, and other related topics. You can also study chemistry in a more formal setting, but many people don't have the time or the money. That is the service I try to provide. I summarize what is learned in a high school and undergraduate education, highlighting the key points and skipping some finer details.

You seem to be very interested in scientific phenomena. So learn science.

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
5 hours ago
What carries transverse EM waves in the vacuum space?

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
5 hours ago
Do you agree that all waves science talked about are matter waves? Without a medium, what waves? Virtual particles such as photon? Do you have precise answers?

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
5 hours ago
Do you understand double slit experiment is done is air/medium? Never done in vacuum? Do you have reasonable doubt if double slit experiment in vacuum, the result will be differ?
Have the science spirit to find it out?

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
57 minutes ago
What is photon made of? Please.

Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
53 minutes ago
It's not made of anything. It's an elementary particle. Zero mass, carries the electromagnetic force, always moves at the speed of light.

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
46 minutes ago
Only charged particles carry electrostatic force. Does so called photon carry any charges? If so why light does not deflect in EM field? Do you know light speed in vacuum is instantaneous?

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
41 minutes ago
Do you know the exact mechanism of light? Electrons change energy level therefore emit photons? Really? Why electron does not stick to proton under tremendous strong attraction force?

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
30 minutes ago
The force between charged particles F=Ke x pq/rr is the carrier of energy/emf/light/em wave/photon/quantum entanglement, do you understand? The force is inherited, always there, therefore it is instantaneous. Only when energy/emf pass through matter/medium, it has limited speed/light speed, due to f=ma, all matter have mass, therefore limited speed.

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
8 minutes ago
You should realize if I am correct, you can win a Nobel and change the world over night by doing the double slit experiment in a vacuum chamber. Please give a try, for future generation. Theoretical physics is way out.

Joe Chang
Joe Chang
5 minutes ago
You said,  Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium. They travel through the vacuum of space. The entire body of modern physics would be meaningless were this not true.

Are you sure? How EM waves travel in the vacuum space at light speed? What is the mechanism? What carries so called transverse wave? Still think Maxwell was correct?

1 comment:

  1. Ask my questions to the best scientists, be your own judge. Open your minds to learn the truth of nature.

    I am weaker each day, help me to spread better ideas, improve our science.
