Gravity is induced electrostatic force between separate matters. Matter is formed from charged particles. Those charges force fields reach infinite distance. By the nature of charges, between electrically neutral charged matters there is induced attraction force, the force strength is proportional to the product of masses ( total combined charges) and inversely proportional to distance square.
Why light speed, gravity speed and electrostatic force speed are the same?
Why light strength, gravity strength and electrostatic force strength all inversely proportional to distance square?
From the greatest 2 physics laws can we connect the dots?
F=Km1m2/rr and F=Gq1q2/rr
Without charged particles and their electrostatic force to form atoms, there is no matter.
Why matter has mass? Because charges carry force, we use force to measure mass.
Matters carry more charges also carry more force, need more force to move it, therefore measure as more mass.
Atoms are solid spheres, not empty spaces or electron clouds.
Hydrogen atom is formed by proton surrounded by ENERTRON ball, electron is attracted by proton and repelled by enertron ball and balance at atom radius.
Proton carries 918 positive charge, enertron carries very tiny negative charge but has higher charge to size ratio than electron. proton attracted 917 negative charge of enertron to form a solid ball and add 1 negative charged electron on the surface to form hydrogen atom.
The density of the enertron ball is inversely proportional to distance cube, due to the attraction force between proton and enertron is inversely proportional to distance square.
Electron is attracted by proton f=918x1/rr and repelled by enertron ball f=917x1/rrr, where r is atom radius.
All atoms are constantly vibrate due to the unbalance of the 2 forces.
The sun will never cool off, all energy is always bouncing around all matters forever. All matters move and change following force/energy.
We can never see a proton, it is hide deep within enertron crust/ball.
Scientists collide proton beams in the lab, those are not protons each carries 1 positive charge and has 1 atomic weight and has nucleus sized particle beam, but protons hidden within enertron balls each carries 918 positive charge and 917 negative charge and has 1 net positive charge and 1 atomic weight and has hydrogen atom size particle beam.
If those so called proton particles are each carries 1 positive charge and has nucleus size, they are so tiny to collide and so strongly repel each other to be collide.
Proton/enertron balls are in fact colliding in the lab, balls explode, enertrons fly apart, made all kind of em effect, so they discovered many new particles, including God particle, which is causing mass to exist as they fated.
Without charge, there is no matter, no mass. 1836 charge equals to 1 atomic weight, no matter the nature/sign of the charges.
Put bb size iron ball in the center of marble size sponge ball, call it enertron.
Put sesame size iron ball in the center of marble size softer sponge ball, call it electron.
A strong magnet pole as proton.
Put many enertron and 1 electron close to the pole, what will happen?
The enertrons will cover the pole form a ball, the closer to the pole the higher density.
The electron will float on top of the enertron ball.
That is how a hydrogen atom formed.
Electron is impossible orbiting/clouding around proton to form a stable atom. There is no force/cause to make it happen.
Why light speed, gravity speed and electrostatic force speed are the same?
Why light strength, gravity strength and electrostatic force strength all inversely proportional to distance square?
From the greatest 2 physics laws can we connect the dots?
F=Km1m2/rr and F=Gq1q2/rr
Without charged particles and their electrostatic force to form atoms, there is no matter.
Why matter has mass? Because charges carry force, we use force to measure mass.
Matters carry more charges also carry more force, need more force to move it, therefore measure as more mass.
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