Friday, April 12, 2019

Fundamental Forces

All matters are made from atoms, all atoms are made from charged particles.

Charged particles only carry electrostatic force, therefore all forces matters carried must be an electrostatic force in nature. Same charges repel each other, opposite charges attract each other.

Strong and weak force are imaginary, never can be measured or calculated. If there is a strong force that can make protons stick together, there must be a strong force carrier, and it must be negatively charged. If there is a weak force, what is the force carrier? What is its charge? How can all atoms are neutrally charged?

Magnetic force is circular electrostatic force carried by a magnet or circular current. Magnet north pole carries clockwise electric force, south pole carries counterclockwise electric force.   

Coulomb's force and gravity are the most accurate measured forces in labs. Magnetic force is used daily.

From Coulomb's Law, we can calculate the universal levitation force between matter 1 and matter 2 at distance R, which is the repulsion force between lines of sight electrons on the surface of matter 1 and matter 2. F=Ke x q1q2/R^2, q1, and q2 are the total charge of lines of sight electrons on matter 1 and matter 2.

Levity is 10^36 times stronger than gravity, how come matters are still attracting each other with gravity?

Because gravity is the net electrostatic force between charged particles between neutrally charged matters.

All positive charges in matter 1 attract all negative charges in matter 2 and repel all positive charges, all negative charges in matter 1 attract all positive charges in matter 2 and repel all negative charges.

Due to electrostatic force induction between neutrally charges matters, the net force is always a weak attraction force we called gravity F=G x m1m2/R^2.

Gravity causes matter formation, the planet in orbit. Coulomb's force and levity cause all other natural phenomena. Such as quantum entanglement, induction, photoelectric effect, radiation and light.

Forces are coexisting with matters, forces are continuing and instantaneously throughout space, therefore energy able to teleport between matters. 

Hot plasma on the Sun carry vibrating electrostatic force/energy, that energy teleport to Earth outer atmosphere through levity and propagate in air at light speed.

LIGO lied detected gravity wave from 1.3 billion years ago, gravity is instantaneous, gravity wave is instant. If gravity is not instantaneous, no planets can have a stable orbit. 

Scientists lied accurate measured Milky Way Galaxy total mass. They thought far away stars are from the past, light is photon particles traveling in space at light speed. 

The fact is all matters and energy are existing at forever ongoing now, nothing is existing in the past or future. There is no such thing as photon particle, no photon or EM wave traveling in space at light speed. 

Light is vibrating electrostatic force carried by vibrating electrons propagating through matter produced mechanical wave. Light can only coexist with matter, charge, and plasma. Light speed in a medium is the rate of induction of electrostatic force. There is no light in space, light teleport between matters in space instantly.

All theories based on light speed in vacuum space is C are mistaken.

Stars are not fusion reactors. Stars don’t radiate light into space at light speed at all directions. Energy must coexist with the matter. Stars only radiate thermal energy with planets according to their distance. If stars are fusion reactors, where is all the energy produced in the past? Why the temperature of the universe is not raising up?

All energy is coming from atom formation, oppositely charged particles attract each other, same charged particles repel each other, atoms able to form and carry formation energy, which is vibration electrostatic force carried by vibrating charged particles. Every atom is a perpetual machine.

The more atoms attracted together under gravity, the bigger the mass, the higher the energy density, the higher the temperature, and the higher vibration frequency. 

The Sun shares its thermal energy with Earth, also works as a heat sink, it keeps Earth temperature stable. All the heat we produced is radiated to the Sun, therefore Earth temperature is not rising up. 

Energy is conserved, this universe is a perpetual machine, the big bang theory is mistaken.


  1. Einstein dreamed about unified field theory. I proved it.

    Newton discovered gravity, I discovered the mechanism.

  2. Hey buddy I've found your shit twice on youtube comments so I felt like I needed to say something. You are not special. Your intelligence is minuscule compared to the bulk of what humanity has discovered and proven during its existence.

    You're experiencing something called a "delusion of grandeur" - despite never studying physics or cosmology and proving your findings with mathematical equations, you believe you know more than people who have dedicated their lives working on physics. Your previous comment about how Einstein dreamed about UFT and you proving it is evidence of this. Apparently you're some type of super genius that's only had to think about physics for a few minutes to solve something that Einstein dedicated his whole life in hopes of proving.

    Hopefully you can self-reflect and see that your own point of view is just as prone to faults as anyone else's. What you do is you postulate a question - "If stars are fusion reactors, where is all the energy produced in the past?" - and since you don't have an immediate answer, you just make up something off the top of your head - "Why the temperature of the universe is not raising up?" - in order to believe that your own view is correct and any other view is wrong.

    This line of thinking is inherently flawed, and is the reason why most people ban you from their forums instead of engaging with you. Instead of inquiring about the state of the universe and searching for knowledge, you instead ask a question and if you cannot immediately respond to it from your own experience, you make up your own answer that seems to make sense to you and discard everybody else's inputs.

    I'll use your logic against you in this situation. How can the Earth be round? If you have ever been on a merry-go-round, you would know that if you are on something that spins, you get pushed away from its center. Therefore, the Earth is not spinning and is instead a flat disc. After all, if the Earth was spinning, then we should all fly off into space.

    The above argument is not sound because I am deliberately ignoring aspects of reality that prove otherwise. You are doing the exact same thing by making crazy claims. Like to answer your question - "If stars are fusion reactors, where is all the energy produced in the past? Why the temperature of the universe is not raising up?" - It's because fusion compacts energy and smaller atoms to form larger atoms. Energy and mass are related by the equation e=mc^2, so nothing is "created" or "destroyed" in this situation - it is energy being added to mass to form heavier mass. It's like what happens when water condenses; it goes through a phase change from gas to liquid. Except in this case energy is changing into matter.

    But instead of trying to understand the universe and how this can happen, you say things like, "Every atom is a perpetual machine." Which again, does not hold up to scrutiny. It is unscientific to make claims based on isolated experiences if they do not hold up universally. If I see a car in my neighborhood and conclude "All cars are red," I would be wrong because the properties of the car are not defined by my beliefs, but instead by what is provable and measurable. Likewise, you cannot claim the Big Bang Theory is fake because you can imagine a situation inside your head where it doesn't need to exist. I can imagine a world where gravity does not need to exist, does that mean gravity is fake?

    Hopefully you absorb what I've written out here. Reality is not contingent on what you can personally think up in your mind, and in fact reality is not contingent on anything any human can make up - only on what we can observe through rigorous analysis and mathematical proofs.

    1. All things have precise mechanism. Do you know what is the mechanism of light? How atoms are formed?

    2. Again, you say things that make sense to you but not to anybody else, so I'll respond back in the same way - All things fly away from a rotating body. How can the Earth be round and spinning without flinging everybody off? The Earth is flat because of this and gravity does not exist. The Earth is just a flat plane moving up through space, so we feel a downward force because we are moving up (due to Newton's 3rd Law).

      So when you say "precise mechanism," ask yourself, what does that really mean? Nobody in the world has ever defined physics by "precise mechanism" and "mechanism of light." You are injecting your own beliefs into science, making your questions as irrational as me asking you to explain why we don't fly off Earth as it spins through space.

    3. Sorry for you to be a flat head. The Earth spins, but gravity is bigger than flyaway force.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
