Saturday, November 25, 2017

gravity and magnetic force are both electrical force in different configuration.

gravity is induced attraction force between neutrally charged masses/matters.

magnetic force is circular electrical force carried by magnetic matter or current.

all based on f=Ke x pq/rr, coulomb force rules the universe.

there is only 1 force, coulomb's force, f=Ke x pq/rr.

gravity is induced electric attraction force between neutrally charged matters.

magnetic force is circular electrical force.

strong and wake forces are misinterpretation of electrical force between charged particles.

magnetic field = circular electric field

magnetic field direction perpendicular to electric field direction

electric field strength decay at 1/rr, due to f=Ke x pq/rr law.

magnetic field strength decay at 1/rrr, why? 

i haven't figured it out.

any clues?

Interesting discussing: 

No one can answer how 1 electron and 1 proton form a stable atom, why?

No rockets can fly to the moon due to the deceleration of earth gravity?

Do you want to win Nobel Prize for physics?

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