Sunday, November 26, 2017

All atomic structure theories, standard or Bohr model, are total bs.

The attraction force between opposite charges is the strongest force in the universe, there is no possibility that electrons able to circle/wave/cloud around the protons, to form a stable atom.

All science based on that model is false.

We can hardly separate two strong magnets, how nature makes electrons not stick to protons all the times?

What is the uncertainty principle? it is certain that there is only an attraction force between oppositely charged particles in every atom. it is uncertain how they don't stick together at all times. 

Wave-particle duality? How electrons wave? What's the precise mechanism? 

All things must have a precise mechanism.

Remember God doesn't play dice?

Do you really understand how atoms are formed or just read and believe?


1 electron carries 1 negative charge.

If we split the electron into 1000000 equal pieces, each piece will carry 1/1000000 negative charge. Let's call it enertron.

If we have a perfect bottle, which means no leakage, no react, like a glass bottle to air.

We put 1000000 enertrons into the perfect bottle. since enertrons repel each other with Coulomb's force. Now if 1 enertron is moving or vibrating, the rest all enertrons will be energized.

That is the mechanism of light.

Now if we put 1 positive charge into the perfect bottle, what will happen?

The enertrons should be attracted by the positive charge and form a ball around it, the closer to the positive charge the denser enertron cloud. the density of the enertron is decay at 1/R^3 due to the repulsion force between enertrons decay at 1/R^2.

Now image enertron is the real thing, it carries a tiny negative charge, something like 1/10^33 electron charge, but it has a stronger force field, similar to neodymium magnet compare with a ceramic magnet.

Image proton actually carries 918 positive charges, it attracted 917 total charges of enertrons formed a solid ball, 1 electron attached to the ball to form a neutrally charged hydrogen atom. 1 atomic weight equals to 1936 total charges, no matter positive or negative charges.

This is the realistic atomic structure. the electron is constantly vibrating at radius direction due to the kinetic energy atom carried.

Atoms are solid balls, that's why the matter is not compressible.

If atoms are constructed as science told you, 99.99% empty space, why the matter is not compressible? electron shell/wave/cloud/orbital are negatively charged, they do not stick to positive changed nuclear is a magic, how can they stand any force/impact/reaction without crashing?

Why is energy conserved?

If you put a moving force on any enerctrons in the perfect bottle, that emf will be spreading to all the lines of sight enertrons instantly by the repulsion force between them F=Ke x ee/R^2, they all are moving now, and cannot stop ever.

Do we have a perfect bottle?

Yes, every atom is a perfect bottle/perpetual machine. all matters are a perfect bottle. atom's binding force locked charged particles within it, energy has nowhere to go but bounce within and between matters.

The forces F=Ke x e1e2/R^2 and F=G x m1m2/R^2 are like perfect springs between matters, connected all matters in 1.

I don't have the equips, but I know the theory is correct. 

Light is not particle nor wave in vacuum space. 

Light is electrons vibration force.

the double slit is the most famous experiment in history.

the first one to renew it will rewrite history.

unless you have no equips and basic knowledge, don't miss the opportunity in a lifetime.

Do you want to win a Nobel Prize?

Saturday, November 25, 2017

all scientists think light is photon/em wave/particle that travels at light speed in the vacuum space.

they don't know there is no light in vacuum space, or light speed is infinite in space. because they don't know the cause/mechanism of light. 

2 electrons at distance r, repel each other with a force f=Ke x ee/rr.

that force acts like a physical rod between the two electrons, if 1 electron is moving, the emf force will instantly transfer to the other electron at opposite direction, this is the true mechanism of light/em wave/radiant energy.

the sun is not an active nuclear reactor, the sun is not shooting out energy to space, it only shares energy with matters surround. sun's energy is from star formation.

energy cannot leak/vanish into space, energy can only exist within matter.

matter and energy are both immortal, space has no boundary, time has no beginning or end, time is forever ongoing now, existence is immortal.

but who we are? what we become?

gravity and magnetic force are both electrical force in different configuration.

gravity is induced attraction force between neutrally charged masses/matters.

magnetic force is circular electrical force carried by magnetic matter or current.

all based on f=Ke x pq/rr, coulomb force rules the universe.

there is only 1 force, coulomb's force, f=Ke x pq/rr.

gravity is induced electric attraction force between neutrally charged matters.

magnetic force is circular electrical force.

strong and wake forces are misinterpretation of electrical force between charged particles.

magnetic field = circular electric field

magnetic field direction perpendicular to electric field direction

electric field strength decay at 1/rr, due to f=Ke x pq/rr law.

magnetic field strength decay at 1/rrr, why? 

i haven't figured it out.

any clues?

Interesting discussing: 

No one can answer how 1 electron and 1 proton form a stable atom, why?

No rockets can fly to the moon due to the deceleration of earth gravity?

Do you want to win Nobel Prize for physics?

Friday, November 24, 2017

1 electron carries 1 negative charge

if we smash the electron into 1000000 equal pieces, each piece will carry 1/1000000 negative charge. Let's call it enertron.

since enertrons carry the same negative charge, they repel each other.

if we have a perfect bottle, which means no leakage, no react, like glass bottle to air.

we put 1000000 enertrons into the perfect bottle, since enertrons repel each other, they put a pressure on the bottle wall. let's measure and call that pressure 1 volt.

if we put 8000000 enertrons into the same bottle, the pressure on the wall should be 4 volts.

now if 1 enertron is moving or vibrating, the rest all enertrons will be energized.

that is the mechanism of light/quantum.

now if we put 1 positive charge into the perfect bottle, what will happen?

enertrons should be attracted by the positive charge and form a ball around it, the closer to the positive charge the denser enertron cloud. the density of the enertron is decay at 1/rrr due to the repulsion force between enertrons decay at 1/rr.

now image enertron is the real thing, it carries a tiny negative charge, something like 1/10^33 electron charge, but it has a stronger force field, similar to neodymium magnet compare with iron magnet.

image proton actually carries 918 positive charges, it attracted 917 total charges of enertrons formed a solid ball, 1 electron attached to the ball to form a neutrally charged hydrogen atom. 1 atomic weight equals to 1936 total charges, no matter positive or negative charges.

this is the realistic atomic structure. the electrons are constantly vibrating on the plane at 90 degrees to the atom radius due to the kinetic energy it carries.

atoms are solid balls, matter is not compressible.

if atoms are constructed as science told you, 99.99% empty space, why matter is not compressible? electron shell/wave/cloud/orbital are negatively charged, they do not stick to positive changed nuclear is a magic, how can they stand any force/impact/reaction without crashing?

why is energy conserved?

if you put a moving force on any electrons with a force, that force is spreading to all the lines of sight electrons instantly by the repulsion force between them f=Kexee/rr, they all are moving now, and cannot stop ever.

do we have a perfect bottle?

yes, every atom is a perfect bottle. all matters are a perfect bottle. energy has nowhere to go but bounce within and between matters.

the forces f=Ke x e1e2/rr and f=G x m1m2/rr are like perfect springs between/within matters, connected all matters in 1.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

if you believe atoms are as science told you, 1 electron and 1 proton able to form a hydrogen atom, you are a fool.

you know opposite charges attract each other, but you don't ask why ? how? the cause and precise mechanism of the atomic structure.

you follow others, worship big names, listen to teachers, read books. smart enough to not question. you are a sheeple.

another example, common science lie. escape velocity.

science told you that if a rock is moving at 7 m/c=25,000 m/h away from earth, it will never return, it will fly away forever.

you believe it is true, never had a doubt. right?

let me ask you, is the rock always attracted by earth gravity at all the times?

is the rock decelerating all the time under gravity?

is the rock slowing down by time?

will the rock slow down to zero speed some day?

after that day, which way the rock moves?

will the rock soon or later come back to earth?

is science lied?

are you honest?

Monday, November 20, 2017

truth can be simple as truth

all atomic structure theories, standard or bohr model, are total bs.

the attraction force between opposite charges is the strongest force in the universe, there is no possibility that electrons able to circle/wave/cloud around the protons, to form stable atom.

all science based on that model is false.

we can hardly separate two strong magnets, how nature makes electrons not stick to protons all the times?

the mechanism of light.

atoms are not as science told 99.99% empty space. atoms are solid spheres, electrons are not orbiting/waving/clouding but stable on the surface of atom ball. 

image a positive charge is a ball shape single north pole, a negative charge is a ball shape single south pole. 

a big/strong north pole will be surrounded by many tiny neodymium south poles, form an atom ball, iron south poles float on that atom ball as electrons. 

maybe that's the true structure of the atom. assume that is true, follow the f=Ke x q1q2/rr fact, to see the world and everything.

put a strong magnet in each hand, the same pole faces each other, feel the tension? Now wave 1 hand at 90 degrees to the tension, what do you feel the other hand? I feel an opposite waving force. 

if you move 1 hand in a clockwise circle, the other hand will move in a clockwise circle at 180 degrees polarity shift.

replace the magnet with the electron, see the mechanism of em phenomena, such as induction, light, em wave and energy.

electrons can only vibrate on the plane parallel to atom ball surface, the changing electrical force transfer to other lines of sight electrons instantly through the force lines of f=Ke x e1e2/rr. that is so-called emf. the force act as a class 1 lever with the pivot at the center, the mechanical advantage is equal to 1.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

All light double slit experiments were done in the air, light travels in air/medium as wave form. If you do a new double slit experiment in a vacuum chamber, you can proof the old theory is wrong. You will find two light lines on the screen instead of interferentce.

set up like this

the light source/laser can be in the air, a square glass bottle, on the 2 parallel inside walls are the slits and the screen. connect the bottle to a vacuum pump.

show the light wave interference on the screen first, then pump the air out.

as the air pressure gets lower and lower, the light pattern on the screen should be changing.

until a hard vacuum, it should be only 2 bright lines left on the screen right behind the slits. 

Please give it a shot, you may help improve science and win us some $.

a good way to prove quantum mechanic is total bs

start science revolution 

i already told you why maxwell em theory is bs

there is no transverse wave carrier in vacuum space.

the double slit is the most famous experiment so far.

quantum physics is based on its false result in the air, wave-particle duality is an illusion. light is vibrating electric force carrier by vibrating electrons. f=Ke x e1e2/rr is the carrier of light energy. that's why energy density decay at 1/rr.

golden opportunity in human history, hope you be the 1.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

1. Einstein's theories are all mistakes.

Photoelectric effect theory won him a Nobel. Later he admit it was mistaken. All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1953

He thought gravity able to slow down light. If a star has enough mass, its light will be slow down so much and make it invisible, so black hole.

In reality, all star lights have the same speed C. Real black hole is in every toilet. 

He thought the sun's gravity able to bend light so at solar eclipse we can see stars behind the sun. 

In fact, hot plasma on sun's surface reflect/bend those stars light behind the sun. So those dumb scientists able to took a picture back then to support his theory. 

He thought nothing can travel at light speed due to unlimited energy is needed. 

Mistaken, he don't even sure what is energy/quantum.

All the motion is caused by force, electrostatic force. f=ma, enough force able to push matter at any speed.

But force has a speed limit, electrostatic force and gravity have same speed as light speed. A train travels at 100 m/h cannot push a man to 101/m/h.

E=Mcc is mistaken. Matter is matter, formed by charged particles. Energy is force that able to accelerate/move matter. How could the 2 equal?

2. Solar sail and EM drive both will not work.

Sun light has NO momentum. Solar sailing is a lie/mistake. Easy to proof, if sun light has momentum, how about Army laser? Those laser able to ignite missiles miles away, but not able to spin a light mill in hard vacuum. Why? Light is vibrating EM force, not photon/quanta particles that carry momentum. 

EM drive is impossible. Without mass ejection in space, there is NO momentum changing, no force to accelerate. 

3. Maxwell was wrong.

There is no electric field and magnetic field reproducing at right angle and move at light speed, no transverse waves travel in space. 

Why? Because both fields must have force carrier/charged particle to carry it. But space contains none. 

Free electrons in a conductor synchronized vibrate, produce vibrating EM field. Other free electrons in other conductors follow the vibrating energy/EM force and vibrate at the same frequency. That is the true mechanism of EM waves.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

all line of sight electrons repel each other with a force f=Ke x e1e2/rr.

that force is the carrier of light/em wave/radiant energy/photon/quanta.

that same force is the cause of all electromagnetism. that force can make current flow, can magnetize iron, can induce current between conductors.

understood this, know energy is within matter.