Friday, September 8, 2017

what is uncertainty principle? 

it is 100% certain there is only 1 force within atoms, the attraction force between positive charged nuclear and negative charged electrons.

what is wave-particle duality?

Has light both wave and particle properties? no. light is not wave nor particle. light is energy/vibration electrostatic force carried by charged particles.

what is quantum mechanics? based on what fact, principle, mechanism? calculate what? what is energy? what is quantum state? 

ligo detected gravity wave? wave your hand produces more detectable gravity wave than black holes collide far away.

relativity? black hole? big bang? those are modern astrology. bluff about the fate of stars. they can travel at light speed to observe the world. they know how many atoms are created in the first second of the big bang.

this is the dark age for mankind.

i feel so sad, little mad. am i alone?

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