nasa faked moon landing, some shadows are right under the object, means they made the video at noon time, which is not morning time as they said/should.
nasa, china, japan all fake news about solar sails work in space, photons able to transfer momentum to solar sail to accelerate spaceship.
they lied right in front your eyes.
if light/photon has momentum, why is laser beam cannot bend a flame? why is light mill not moving in a hard vacuum?
all space missions are fake, cuz they faked the time delay for space radio transmission.
light/em waves travel in vacuum space at an infinite speed, only within mediums at a limited speed.
so any communication takes more than 1/100 second is faked.
all scientists think light speed is c in the vacuum, they all wrong.
if light speed is limited in vacuum space, all stars, galaxies we see are from the past, how we map the universe and measure the total mass?
it is all bs, all lies.
there is no solar wind. what mechanism? why protons and electrons on the way to earth do not attract each other and form into hydrogen atoms? why does gravity not pull them back into the sun?
van allan belts? what's mechanism? the sun's energy/radiation/light strength decay at 1/rr, the only way to find stronger radiation is to get closer.
near around earth, radiation strength is the same, within the atmosphere, it decreases.
so between earth and the moon, the radiation strength is about the same, less within our atmosphere.
em drive? powered by quantum vacuum virtual plasma. it is voodoo science.
ligo detected gravity wave? you wave hand will produce more detectable gravity wave than far away stars explode.
gravity wave speed is infinite, gravity has to be instantaneous, otherwise, no planets can stay in orbit.
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