Wednesday, June 28, 2017

gravity is like an ice cream cone, the sun is the ball of ice cream, earth is a little mass on the tip of the cone. the cone is made of perfect sring, f=G x m1m2/rr.

the vibrating force/energy of the hot atoms/mass on the sun teleport through the force line f=G x m1m2/rr and f=Ke x e1e2/rr to our upper atmosphere, those particles/gasses energized, vibrating faster, that energy is passing air atoms along the direction of the force.

the energy/vibrating force/light passes through matter/galss/water/air, the movement of the medium is so called light wave. Light is not wave, light is not matter/mass.

put double slit in vacuum, light will not show wave property.

pass a green light laser beam through a vacuum glass bottle, the beam will disappear inside of the bottle.

there is no light in empty space, light exists within matter.

when sunlight shines on a solar cell

the closest air particles transfer vibrating force to the surface atoms on the cell.

if the vibration force is bigger than the attracting force between the electron and the atom/proton and enertron ball/so called nuclear, the electron will jump out from the atom.

this is the true mechanism of photoelectric effect.

there is no photon knocking electrons out from solar cells.

free electrons in the antenna move back and forth 

pass the energy to surrounding air along the force direction.

when the energy/light/em wave in the air reaches the receiving antenna, free electrons move/vibrate with the force, produce signals.

the true mechanism of man-made em waves.

in vacuum, the distance between free electrons in the 2 antennas is changing, vibrating force/energy transfer passes the force line of f=Ke x e1e2/rr.

All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry think he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1953

nowadays everything energy, everything quantum.

do you really know what is energy? not even einstein.

what is ENERGY?

coal? fuel? oxygen? wind? sunlight? any matters?

NO. matter is not energy. matter is the carrier/source/container of energy.

a rock at rest only has its thermal energy.

if you threw it away, your hand put a force on the rock pushing it moving at a speed v, the moving rock will have 1/2mvv energy added on it. we call it kinetic energy. 

if the flying rock hits a wall, that energy becomes the impact force that hits the wall, makes atoms on the wall vibrate faster/hotter, atoms thermal energy. 

so, energy is nothing but vibrating force/moving force. 

energy is always vibrating/moving, within and between matters. matter is always moving/vibrating due to the existence of energy.

nothing is ever at rest, keep moving, changing, involving, reforming, transforming.

somehow, LIFE woke up?

how solar cell works in space without air surrounding?

all matters are connected by two natural forces at all times. f=G x m1m2/rr and f=Ke x q1q2/rr.

the line of sight electrons on the surface atoms on the sun is connected with electrons on surface atoms on the solar cell directly, the tension force between them f=Ke x q1q2/rr is the vibration force/energy carrier.

hold a strong magnet in each hand, feel the forces? no matter attraction or tension, if you wave 1 hand, the other hand waves at the same frequency.

that is the true mechanism of light/em wave/photon/radiant energy/aether/quantum/quanta.

opposite charges attract each other, same as man and woman.

married couples still attract other man and woman.

just like neutrally charged atoms attract other atoms.

gravity is induced electrostatic attraction force between neutrally charged matters.

sex outside of marriage is induced sexual attraction between married couples.

this can be proved by f=K x q1q2/rr and F= G x m1m2/rr.

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