Let's see Einstein's theories.
Photoelectric effect theory won him a Nobel. Later he admit it was bs.
All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1953
He said gravity able to slow down light. If a star has enough mass, its light will be slow down so much and make it invisible, so becomes a black hole.
If that is true, heavy star light will travel slower than little star light. In fact, all stars, all lights are same speed C. Real black hole is in every toilet.
He said the sun's gravity able to bend light so at solar eclipse we can see stars behind the sun.
In fact, hot plasma on sun's surface reflect/bend star light behind the sun, so those dumb scientists able to took a picture back then to support his bs theory.
Whatelse? He said nothing can travel at light speed due to unlimited energy is needed.
Bs, he don't even sure what is energy/quantum.
All the motion is caused by force, electrostatic force. f=ma, enough force able to push matter at any speed in theory.
But force has a speed limit, electrostatic force, gravity, same speed as light speed.
A train travels at 100 m/h cannot push a man at 101 m/h.
He was right only once, he said we all are leaves on the tree of life.
And he is the top scientist.
Science is pretty fucked up.
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