Saturday, March 30, 2019

Levity propulsion system

Levity is 10^36 stronger than gravity. Use levity to generate lifting force is possible.

The ship is a ball shape capacitor, the outside shell is negative charged, carries extra electrons, the inside shell is positive charged, carries less electrons.

A transformer to adjust the voltage to control the lifting force.

Between the surface of the ship and the surface of the earth existing levity F=Ke x pq/R^2, where p is the total lines of sight electron charge on earth surface, q is the total lines of sight electron charge on the ship. Increase the number of electrons on the ship surface will increase levity.

Use the same principle, we can build floating city and flying board.

Levity originally was thought to be a physical force exactly like gravity but pulling in the opposite direction, like the helium in a balloon. As recently as the 19th century, scientists were still arguing about its existence. I proved it using Coulomb's law.

Friday, March 29, 2019

What is the speed of gravity?

Infinite, instantaneous, no speed.

Science told you gravity speed is light speed 3 x 10^8 m/s. Which is mistaken.

If gravity is not instantaneous, since planets are orbiting, gravity will be delay all the time, no planet can have stable orbit.

Gravity is inherited force between masses, it is coexisted, indestructible, immortal, always there. Therefore gravity is instantaneous.

Put 1 electron and 1 proton at R distance, the attraction force is F=Ke x pq/R^2.

That force has no speed, that force is always there. Force don't travel, force don't move from matter to matter.

Electron and proton don't emit forcetrons to each other to attract each other.

Just like gravity is always attracting Sun and earth, they don't emit gravitons to each other.

If the Sun has a quake, all planets will simultaneously sense the gravity wave.

Detected gravity wave from 1.3 billion years ago is impossible. All matter and energy, all universe is existing at forever ongoing now.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

What is light?

Light is energy, energy must coexist with the matter. There is no light in the space between hot plasma on the Sun and the atmosphere on Earth.

All scientists thought light is EM wave or photon particle or both traveling in space at light speed. They are all wrong. There is no wave, no photon, nothing traveling in space at light speed. Energy teleport from matter to matter instantly becomes light wave traveling in the medium at light speed. Light speed in vacuum space is infinite. Therefore, cosmology, relativity, QM, and electromagnetism are all wrong.

By using MIT 10 trillion frames per second high-speed camera, scientists can measure light speed in a vacuum glass bottle to prove light speed in a vacuum is infinite. But they won't do it, because if the truth is out, they will be in big trouble.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Electrons are on the surface of all matters. Electrons are constantly vibrating due to the thermal energy atoms carried. The higher the temperature the higher vibration frequency.

Vibrating electrons carry kinetic energy, that energy can transfer to distant electrons through the repulsion force between the line of sight electrons F=Ke x ee/R^2, science call it electromagnetic radiation. In Fact, there is only electrostatic radiation, there is no electromagnetic radiation.

How to prove it?

Electrostatic force decays at 1/R^2, light wave strength decays at 1/R^2, Magnetic force decays at 1/R^3.

The photoelectric effect is a misinterpretation. Lightwave energy density is proportional to frequency. When light wave frequency is high enough, electrons will be vibrating out from the solar cell.

There is no photon particle impact electron and knock it out from atoms.

That's why Einstein said he knows NOT what are light quanta. Everyone thinks he knows it is mistaken.

The first person to do a double slit experiment in a vacuum, prove there is no light wave in vacuum space, can win a Nobel and change the history.

If you have access, you should take this unique opportunity.

Put the slits and screen on the walls of a square glass container. Point a laser beam on the slits, video the light wave interference on the screen. Then vacuum the container, video the interference disappear and left two bright lines on the screen as if light act as a particle.

In fact, light is not wave nor particle, light is vibrating electrostatic force carry by vibrating electrons/atoms.

Please make sure the slits and the screen are on the inside of the container walls. Nothing is between the slits and screen. No air, no glass, only empty space.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Is science definitely real?

Not at all.

Photoelectric effect theory won a Nobel Prize. But it is incorrect.

If the photon has momentum, why navy laser weapon has no kinetic impact?

Why light mill does not move in a hard vacuum?

Why photons don't slow down in the water like bullets?

LIGO lied detected gravity wave for more funding.

Gravity has coexisted with all matters, therefore gravity wave must be instantaneous.

If gravity speed is not infinite, planets cannot stay in a stable orbit.

Simple facts, why the Nobel Prize awarded to LIGO?

Science is controlled religion.
The biggest mistake in science is the standard model of atomic structure theory.

The theory says 1 electron and 1 proton can form a hydrogen atom. This is impossible.

There is only 1 force F=Ke x re/R^2 existing between those two opposite charged particles, the only motion possible is acceleration toward each other on a straight line, collide and stick together. Like two magnets attract each other and stick together, like apples full on Earth. Electron is impossible to orbit or wave or cloud proton to form a stable atom, there is no such mechanism.

The theory says atoms are 99.99% empty space. This is impossible because the matter is not 99% compressible.

Why those simple facts are not in textbooks? Because science is still controlled religion.

Before we truly understood the atomic structure, we can not understand the universe, all theories are just theories.

The second mistake is light speed in vacuum space is 3x10^8 m/s.

Relativity, QM, cosmology are all based on light speed in vacuum space is C.

In fact, light only exists in matter/air/water/medium, there is no light, no photon or EM wave traveling in space at light speed. Light only exists in hot plasma on the Sun and atmosphere on Earth.

Energy must coexist with the matter. Light teleport from matter to matter, propagate in the medium at light speed. Light speed is the rate of induction of electrostatic force in the medium.

We can measure light speed in a vacuum glass bottle using MIT10 trillion frame per second camera to prove light speed in a vacuum is infinite.

But no scientists will do it. Light speed in a vacuum is infinite to scientists is equal to their God is fake. The whole modern physics is based on light speed in a vacuum is 3x10^8 m/s.

All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, D i c k and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. -Albert Einstein 1954

There is no photon particle existing. Light only exists in the hot plasma on the Sun and atmosphere on Earth, there is no light, no photon, no EM wave traveling in space at light speed. All scientists are wrong.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Friday, March 8, 2019

Atomic Battery

All atoms are formed from charged particles, positive charged nucleus and negative charged electrons.

What's the voltage between them? Billion volts?

Why can't we use atom as battery?

How come protons can stick together but electrons and protons don't stick together?

What is the mechanism? Are protons gays?

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What is light?

Light is energy, energy must coexist with matter. There is no light in the space between hot plasma on the Sun and atmosphere on Earth.

All scientists thought light is EM wave or photon particle or both traveling in space at light speed. They are all wrong. There is no wave, no photon, nothing traveling in space at light speed. Energy jumps from matter to matter instantly, becomes light wave traveling in medium at light speed. Light speed in vacuum space is infinite. Therefore, relativity, QM and electromagnetism are all wrong.

By using MIT 10 trillion frame per second high speed camera, scientists can measure light speed in a vacuum glass bottle to prove light speed in vacuum is infinite. But they won't do it, because if the truth is out, they will be in big trouble.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Electrons are on the surface of all matters. Electrons are constantly vibrating due to the thermal energy atoms carried. The higher temperature the higher vibration frequency.

Vibrating electrons carry kinetic energy, that energy can transfer to distant electrons through the repulsion force between line of sight electrons, science call it electromagnetic radiation. In Fact, there is only electrostatic radiation, there is no electromagnetic radiation. 

Between 2 electrons at distance r, the repulsion force F=Ke x ee/rr is the conductor of electrostatic radiation. This force is acting as a mass less stiff rod, entangled the two electrons as 1.

There are two kinds of radiation. When an electron vibrating at right angle to the radius of the atom, it produces transverse radiation. When electron vibrating at radius direction, it produces longitudinal radiation. Both radiation must coexist with matter.

In transverse radiation, this force is acting as mass less stiff rod, if 1 electron is moving the other electron will instantly receiving an opposite direction emf.

In longitudinal radiation, this force is acting as mass less stiff rod, instantly transfer emf between electrons.

When radiation/emf moving in a medium, it causes mechanical wave in the medium, science call it EM wave.

The Sun does not radiate EM wave into space, only radiate emf to matters.


Friday, March 1, 2019

Joe Chang
1 day ago
If energy is conserved, how can the big bang happen?


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 Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
23 hours ago
excellent question! check out my astronomy series and watch from the beginning, i talk about that stuff first.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
23 hours ago
@Professor Dave Explains All science forums banned my IP. Reddit blocked my question, why?

I asked 500 top physics professors the same question, not 1 reply, why?


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
23 hours ago
Because if the truth is out in public, that electromagnetism, relativity and QM are all BS, theoretical physicists will be laughed. Jobs lost, books burned?


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
22 hours ago
sell sugar water or change the world?


Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
20 hours ago
Buddy, if electromagnetism, relativity, and QM were all BS, the first problem would be explaining how all of the technology we built based on our understanding of those models somehow works anyway. Don't be one of those people that convinces themselves that the entire scientific community is wrong while they, a single layperson, is right. It won't end well for you psychologically.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
20 hours ago
@Professor Dave Explains What technology based on what models? Word salad?


Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
20 hours ago
Do you not have electricity where you live? Have you ever benefited from the use of a satellite? Do you own a computer? You are oblivious to even the most basic applications of the science we have already mastered, that's why it's easy for you to just cast it all aside. But if you understood it, even just a little bit, you would see that it is deeply intertwined with the nature of the universe on the most fundamental level.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
19 hours ago
@Professor Dave Explains All those are applied science, have nothing to do with QM or relativity. If you think Coulomb's law is true, you have to admit universal repulsion force is fact. Gravity and Coulomb's force are both measured in the labs. Strong and weak force are imaginary.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
19 hours ago
If you think the Sun is a fusion reactor, radiate light energy into space at light speed at every direction, you are totally wrong. Do you understand? Do you want to learn the truth? If so, google fucked science.


Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
19 hours ago
If you don't know how special relativity is applied to program satellite clocks, then it is you who doesn't understand. We apply relativity and QM to make new technology all the time, you just don't know about it. And as much as I would love to hear your alternate "theory" about how the hell the atomic nucleus is stable without the strong nuclear force, or how the sun makes light, I just don't have the time or the patience to continue this interaction.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
19 hours ago
@Professor Dave Explains The Standard Model

Before we understand atoms, how can we learn the universe? If the standard model is wrong, the fundamental science will be wrong.

The standard model is recognized by nearly all particle physicists as wrong in the sense that it is incomplete and only correct in a phenomenological sense.

When scientists give up and call things the strong force, weak force, up, down, bottom, top, strange and charm, it says all.

Scientists think 1 electron and 1 proton able to form a hydrogen atom. That is impossible.

The 2 particles attract each other with the strongest attraction force in nature F=Ke x pe/R^2. The attraction force between electron and proton is 10^33 times stronger than 2 neodymium magnets. What force can separate proton and electron?

Therefore they must stick together under that force. The electron is impossible to orbit, wave or cloud around the proton to form a stable atom.

Scientists invented a force called strong force, it holds protons together. They forgot to invent another force, that keeps electron away from proton, so atoms able to form.

They invented uncertainty principle, wave-particle duality, wave function collapse, electron shell, orbital, quantum state, energy level, electron hole, electron cloud. All imaginary, made up word puzzles that have nothing to do with reality.     

The standard model is like a story.

So sad. You got to follow that story to get a degree. You got to teach that story to become a teacher.
Read more


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
18 hours ago
@Professor Dave Explains Newton discovered gravity, I discovered repulsion, what have you discovered?


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
18 hours ago
1 professor in MIT said he discovered strong force. Imao.


Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
17 hours ago
Oh, you discovered something in physics? Where did you publish your findings? Where can I read about your research? Where did you do your research? Oh you didn't do any research? You're just some random dude who posts videos of himself smoking in front of his computer and saying nothing? Yeah, that checks out. I highly suggest you seek therapy. You have a lot of stuff to work out.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
16 hours ago
@Professor Dave Explains You can't debunk anything I said. Is Coulomb's force a fact? Is repulsion force a fact? How electrons change energy level and emit photon? What is energy level? What is the mechanism? How photons pass through water? How photon accelerate from water into air? Is photon part of electron? What is photon made of? Einstein said he knows NOT what are light quanta. You think you know better than him?


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
16 hours ago
If you can't answer those questions to your own satisfaction, you better open your mind and learn.


Professor Dave Explains
Professor Dave Explains
16 hours ago
Holy crap. Have you even taken high school chemistry or physics? I really need to learn to walk away from these kinds of conversations.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
16 hours ago
If you are not bright, you won't study physics. If you do, how can you accept standard model? Electron shell? Orbital? Wave-particle duality? Quantum states?


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
16 hours ago
​@Professor Dave ExplainsYou haven't answer any question yet.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
16 hours ago
just 1, what is energy level?


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
15 hours ago
Newton or Einstein knows not what is light, what is its mechanism. That's why theoretical science is so fucked up. There is no light wave or photon particle passing through space at light speed, light energy jump from matter to matter instantaneous, becomes light wave moving in matter at light speed.


Joe Chang
Joe Chang
14 hours ago
Remember Dr. Michio Kaku said if Einstein is wrong, all hell breaks loose.